Building a Privacy-Focused Browser and Search Engine

In today’s era, data privacy is a critical concern that can have severe repercussions for companies if not handled properly. Furthermore, a lot of large multinational company are using our data accumulated from search engines for advertising purposes, raising the question about what can we do to protect our online privacy and browsing experience? Inspired by Network Chuck and Tim Berners-Lee’s influential book, “Weaving the Web”, I decided to build my own privacy-focuesed browser using PyQt5 and deploy a secure search engine in the cloud....

June 30, 2023 · 4 min

Table Tennis Tracker Using OpenCV

Inspiration Hello people! You know life is getting fantastic again when you have ample time to execute your projects. (I just finished my Year 1’s final!!!) Anyway, this table tennis tracker thingy has been on my project list for quite a long time. It was a fortunate coincidence for me to be intrigued by this computer vision topic. There are mainly two reasons for me doing this: I accidentally knew someone from Linkedin who did this project before I found out that XX company’s employees are doing this as a fun after-work project during a company visit These two things combined make me want to give this project a shot....

May 4, 2022 · 4 min

Book North Hill Badminton Court Using Selenium

Ola, welcome to my first entry! :D In this post, I will show you how to use the webdriver from Selenium, time and schedule libraries to create an auto-booking script for North Hill Badminton Court. Let us start by importing the modules. from selenium import webdriver from import ChromeDriverManager import time import schedule If you haven’t install selenium and webdriver in your environment, typing pip install selenium and pip install webdriver-manager in your terminal will do the magic....

March 23, 2022 · 3 min